Minderest achieves ISO 27001 certification and reinforces its commitment to data security

Minderest ISO 27001 Data Safety


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Eloy Martinez

Minderest, leader in price intelligence solutions, has obtained the ISO 27001 certification that guarantees maximum security in the treatment of information.

The ISO 27001 standard endorses the implementation of an Information Security Management System (ISMS). By obtaining this certification, Minderest, a leading price intelligence monitoring company, has demonstrated that it complies with the highest standards in terms of security and information protection, both for internal data and for its customers. “Our main objective is to offer a high quality service. Our information security standards are very high and we always work for their continuous improvement, which is why we decided to implement new procedures endorsed by ISO 27001”, says Antonio Tomás, CEO of the company.

Prevention against cyberattacks and security breaches

Information security is a critical aspect today, given the increase in cyber attacks and data breaches. “We have carried out an exhaustive evaluation of the risks and we have established adequate controls to mitigate them”, explains Jesús Domínguez, Security Manager at Minderest. “Each client can be sure that their data and information will be adequately protected and that our company follows the best practices since it takes into account both internal and external threats, committing to implement measures to avoid incidents that may affect confidentiality, integrity and availability of information.


A new data security milestone for Minderest

The ISO 27001 certification is recognized worldwide and is an indicator of excellence. “We are a Spanish company, but with a strong international presence in countries like the United States, Germany, France or the United Kingdom. Taking a step forward to strengthen our processes and offer the highest quality to our customers around the world is a continuous goal for us", says the CEO of Minderest and adds that "by choosing a company with this certification, the client has the certainty that he is collaborating with an organization committed to information security”.

This new milestone reinforces Minderest as a leader in Enterprise Pricing.

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