Kelkoo is one of the most popular price comparator in Europe. Usually, the client accesses to kelkoo to compare the price of a product amongst numerous stores before acquiring it. Visiting a unique website, the client has the advantage to know the price, stock and shipping costs of several stores that are commercialising it. In short, Kelkoo simplifies the purchase process of the final client.
On the other hand, the ecommerces invest in kelkoo publicity to appear in the range of compared stores, but, how to measure this investment if we do not know the price of the others competitors that also sell in kelkoo?
Now, you can compare your prices with kelkoo prices, and know the competitive price of each of your products. With this motorisation system you will be able to:
- Detect those products in which you are not competitive in Kelkoo, and therefore the publicity investment is not profitable.
- Know the prices changes of the competition just reviewing your email (Alert system).
- You will also avoid the great loss of time of obtain this information in a manual way, with the mistakes that it involves.
Apply for more information from our contact form and enhance your competitiveness.
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