What is human-centric marketing?

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Human Centric Marketing


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Ángela de la Vieja

Human-centric marketing is a trend aiming to connect with consumers as people, not just as buyers presented with products and prices. It is based on creating more honest and personal relationships between customers, all sales personnel and all involved in the company’s success. The actions of these employees, suppliers, shippers, or shareholders impact users’ experience when they choose the brand or retailer. The e-commerce business needs to understand customers’ needs, decisions, emotions, and desires. Within this model, it will also be crucial to review the pricing strategy and how it is communicated. This will help buyers understand the reasons behind your prices. We explain the benefits and the things you need to consider when steering your business towards human-centric marketing.

Firstly, human-centric marketing alters the classic definition of the consumer and the retailer: 

  • The consumer becomes a more complex entity, with opinions and ideas that you need to listen to and take into account. 
  • The e-commerce business ceases to be a business entity with purely economic objectives. The e-commerce’s image is created with empathy as a starting point, based on unique ideals and values that guide its activity. Sending messages will not be enough. They must be linked to actions truly impacting society, such as sustainable pricing

Benefits of human-centric marketing 

  • Enhanced brand image. 
  • Increased user satisfaction and a higher loyalty rate. 
  • New business opportunities and areas of growth identified by actively listening to customers and brand fans

Ultimately, although not this marketing strategy’s primary focus, it also enables you to improve your bottom line through high loyalty levels. By increasing the involvement of your company's agents, employees will be more dedicated, and their productivity will likely increase. 

Human Centric Marketing

How to apply human-centric marketing in your e-commerce business 

Applying human-centric marketing is based on two phases: problem discovery and problem resolution. First of all sellers must analyse how consumers act, and identify their problems and emotions, to learn about them and understand the context behind each buyer persona. Human-centric marketing aims to create a story around users that helps you understand their lives, their journey and where you can join them on their path. 

Then it’s time to come up with the most effective solution to fit their needs, in line with their emotions. The solution must be disseminated on the most appropriate channel for each audience, with messages aimed at connecting directly with the person behind the screen. 

Human-centric marketing also presents the challenge of how to make a personal marketing approach compatible with competitive pricing, which is your company’s driving force. You can aim for prices that show empathy with those who trust your brand and adapt them to current socio-economic conditions and market needs. An example was given by many companies during the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic when they changed their pricing strategies or shipping and post-sales conditions. Human-centric marketing is highly complex. Therefore, you can use a pricing suite to help you optimise prices, based on different variables and ensure you keep abreast of competitors’ changes. 

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