Email marketing: best practices to design better campaigns

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Email marketing


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Ángela de la Vieja

good email marketing campaign will allow you to optimise your eCommerce purchase processes and accelerate conversion rates to increase sales. This is because customers consider email marketing to be one of the most appropriate means of maintaining contact with brands as it’s a minimally invasive tool. At the same time, the information obtained from user behaviour after receiving your emails will allow you to correct errors and adapt your pricing strategy to their needs. Given its benefits, we recommend following the tips laid out below to improve your campaigns and achieve a greater ratio of potentially interested customers.

Plan your email marketing campaign thoroughly 

Segment your eCommerce audience 

To begin, you need to know your buyer persona perfectly since the most successful campaigns are those that are personalised and respond to user interests. You can use this to segment your database and send specific content to each client group. A good way to do so is to first segment according to demographic criteria and then by similar interests. Otherwise, users may get tired of your emails and unsubscribe from your mailing list if they’re no longer interested in your products or services. 

Choose the time and date to send your emails 

You should also keep in mind that the conditions in which the user receives your email are also key to their interest in your brand. So, you should identify the days and times at which your different target audiences will be most receptive. In general, you should avoid Mondays, when their inboxes are probably full of emails, as well as Fridays, when they’re already thinking about the weekend and finishing off pending tasks. 

Email marketing

Include information and key messages 

To promote ecommerce transparency, in every email marketing campaign it should be very clear who is sending the email and what it is about. In other words, the campaign should have a clear and direct subject line that will entice the user to click. Within the email we must include: 

  • Introduction: two sentences with key messages about the brand and what it intends to do with the email. It can have an emotional tone. 
  • Argumentative text: with a visual structure that invites reading. 
  • Call to action: a clear call to action in the form of a button. A link that directs the user to the campaign landing page

Design engaging content for your emails 

The most widespread trend during 2020 was the introduction of videos in email marketing campaigns. Eye-catching content is more likely to catch the attention of users. You can use video both to convey an emotional message and to advertise products with a 360-degree view. In order to fulfil its purpose, we recommend placing the video at the beginning of the email, with automatic playback, and limiting it to a duration of less than 1 minute. Something short that appeals to the viewer's emotion. 

After the video, you can include a cross-sell gallery with items of interest to each customer. This is one of Amazon's best tools, as it is based on offering users products related to previous purchases. In this way, the chances of a sale are greater. 

Finally, you can create different email marketing campaigns and run A/B tests to see which ones are most effective. You can alternate content, call to action and even prices. Through Dynamic Pricing strategies you will gain valuable information about your customers' willingness to pay and their perception of the quality of your products. You can put it into action with the help of Dynamic Pricing's automated, self-learning tools. 

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